Over the past five years, we’ve seen significant increases in web site conversions. In our experience, we are seeing anywhere from 35% to 45% of total leads coming from the internet or website. Company websites are not only a primary channel for inquiries but also serve as the initial channel used to research options. They help narrow the choices set prior to inquiry.
Top 5 Senior Living marketing strategies that actually work and help increase occupancy
1. Target Referral Network:
Build an ON premise and ONLINE Referral Network
Aging adults often place an enormous amount of trust in social workers and medical care providers. Those professionals can be your best source of referrals for your facility. Online advertising or digital marketing is not a replacement for traditional referral networks. Use digital strategies to augment traditional channels. Create a marketing plan that targets family practices that cater to the elderly. Develop an automation strategy to target referral sources using digital advertisement on search engine, display networks, social media and email marketing. In addition, use these techniques to recruit additional referral sources using lookalike referral advertising campaigns.
2. Have a well-managed paid and organic search strategy for your website:
Engage in strategic discussions to understand your target audience. Update content on the website to help deliver the right message to your audience. Have a well-managed paid and organic search program for your website. Second to referrals, this is by far the most cost-effective lead generator out there. Potential clients are seeking your services every day, but don’t know who you are. Search puts you and your website in front of them. Digital marketing when done properly will provide a better return on investment. It is a worthy investment if you find the right partner to do it. Don’t find the cheapest person or anyone that offers a lot of impressions package. Those days are gone, digital marketing is all about target marketing and laser-focused strategies to deliver results. Find someone that has done it before and has experience in assisted living, senior living and senior living markets.
3. Build trust :
Create a strong brand identity around trust. You have to infuse trust in every aspect of your business and then communicate it through every story you tell. Simply put, trust has to power every single aspect of your business. It has to reflect not just in your sales and marketing team but through everyone in your community. With trust firmly implanted at the heart of your brand, potential residents and their families will trust you as family. Talk to us about creating a brand that emanates trust at it core.
4. Understand your market cycle :
very market is different, it is important to understand your market cycle. What is the average time from lead to conversion, how many tours does it take for a person to move in? Based on these cycles develop a strategy to nurture your lead. People take their own time, they research the competition, tour multiple facilities. Do you have a plan to nurture your potential client during this cycle.
5. Marketing plan and strategy :
Create a comprehensive marketing strategy to implement your marketing plan for your senior living community. Essentially create a plan and execute the plan. Keep in mind, Marketing and sales are a year around activity not just when your census drops. Businesses cannot grow or thrive without marketing. Most sales and marketing people are outgoing and have the ability to build relationships. Behaviors that set apart a successful marketing and sales person, is their ability to nurture the leads and referral sources. These are a time-consuming process, in order for your team to be successful, they need a repeatable plan. Create a schedule of your daily, weekly and monthly to-do list. Keep the to-do list and plan updated as you learn more about your market and adjust as needed.
Need help in implementing these proven strategies? GIVE US A CALL or Complete the form below!
With growing demand for senior living solutions and increasing competition everyday, are your sales and marketing folks equipped to handle occupancy challenges? We have over 10-20 custom proven strategies for each item listed above, that’s a total of over 100 strategies. We can help you market your business, gain brand awareness and improve occupancy. Contact us now for a No Obligation, FREE consult.
Everything in marketing changes at the speed of light especially with the advent of advanced digital marketing campaigns. We provide innovative marketing strategies that will increase conversion rate and brand awareness