How to Outrank Your Competitors in eCommerce Marketing with Google Ads?
The Google ads competition is at a fever pitch in 2022. Many brands are scrambling to get heard and seen and many are turning to these ads to gain leverage over the competition. So how do you stand out among the countless? Well, if you don’t, chances are your Google ad will just be another faceless number to be swatted aside as leads move on to the good stuff. If you’d like to ensure that your Google ads are the good stuff consumers are moving on to, stick around as we give you the low down. Use these handy tips to create Google ads that’ll give your competition no chance.
Ensure your landing page delivers on the promise
Most eCommerce stores are quick to put out Google ads but don’t pay as much attention to their landing pages. You can get a whole world of clicks for an ad, but if it leads to a landing page that doesn’t close the deal, then it won’t count for much.
Having qualified leads on your website doesn’t mean you have it in the bag. If anything, that’s just half the battle fought. This new lead is looking for a reason to stay, and if you don’t give them one fast, then they’ll just hit back and be lost to search forever.
So how do you hold their hand over that sales line? You need a landing page built to convert, and here are some ways to speed this along:
- Relevance: Your Google ad says you’re selling vintage furniture. It promises the best collections. But when a lead clicks through, they’re directed to vintage tables. That’s a no-no. Keep your ad copy and landing page content perfectly aligned
- Repetition: Seal the deal by repeating the promises of the ad copy that got them there in the first place
- CTAs: Make them urgent and value-driven
Don’t forget those negative keywords
In our experience as a digital marketing service, we’ve seen many online stores battling and competing with rivals for traffic that’s not even relevant to them. To ensure you’re targeting the right audience, and hitting the right eyeballs, it’s important you specify and include negative keywords.
These refer to keywords with more than one meaning, one of which could be misconstrued for what you offer when you don’t. There are many free keyword tools you could use to determine the negative keywords you should set for your campaign. One we recommend you check out is the Free Keyword Tool by WordStream. Alternatively, you could divert your keyword research needs to an experienced online marketing service like Genexod and rest easy while we block out the noise.
Choose your keyword match-type wisely
Keywords are the compass of search. They determine intent and help Google point leads in the way of ads the search engine believes to be most relevant to the user. Generally, keyword matches break down into four categories as follows:
- Broad
- Broad match modified
- Phrase match
- Exact Match
Broad keywords are really wide and specificity increases down this list with Exact Match being almost a direct replica of the search query.
Which match type to go with depends on your goals and budget. If low CPC and high impressions are top priorities, you may be best served by Broad Match. However, that means you’ll also get lots of searches not relevant to you.
Exact Match guarantees CTR, due to higher relevance, but not as many impressions. Although it’s an excellent way to get qualified leads. The ball’s in your court.
Switch up your keyword match type game
When starting your ads campaign, you may not be sure how keywords and ad groups will perform. To get a clearer picture before limiting your options, a good eCommerce marketing strategy dictates to first start broad or wide.
This will give you enough opportunity to gather sufficient data, and know which keywords are stealing the show and where your most qualified leads are trickling in from. Once you get a good grasp of this data and you begin to notice what’s truly converting, you can narrow your options with Exact Match.
Still, you can have modified Broad Match to unearth new bidding opportunities that you can move into Exact Match.
Fill out every ad detail to outdo the competition
Let’s first consider the case of Google Responsive Search Ads. These allow you to offer up to 4 descriptions and 15 headlines. Must you write all of them? No. Most Google ad campaigners don’t even bother to hit 10. But if you want to outrank them, you should. It can be a lot of work but it does pay off and it is worth the trouble.
At the very least, go for 3 descriptions and 10 headlines. All should be different but relate closely to your product offer. It’s also advisable to target a single product category per responsive ad. Say you’re an online furniture store, selling tables, seats, wall décor, the works. To increase relevance, you could have one responsive ad per category.
Expanded text ad requirements are much fewer in comparison. But the same logic still applies. To outrank your condition, sometimes you just have to go that extra mile. While you’re at it, remember that Google will display these ads as a combination of 2 descriptions and 3 headlines at a time. You want to ensure that no matter the combination, your ad still makes sense.
Your competitors won’t know what hit them!
Google ads are everywhere, but not all of them are created equal. These pointers we’ve taken a look at today will help you better your competitor as far as Google ads are concerned. They’ll make you stand out from the crowd, drive more traffic to your products and ensure you’re bringing in those sales. Do you know what else could give you the edge and further get you ahead? Working with an experienced eCommerce marketing service that knows its way around Google ads like the back of its hand! Genexod is here for you should you require expert Google ads that leave nothing up to chance. Contact us today to make your Google ads campaign a hit.